Your Fly's Open....The legend continues!


Many of you visiting this site have played in the Your Fly's Open in the past, and for some, this will be your first invite.  We used to have so much fun at this event....and then it just faded away.  A few winters ago some friends and family members were reminiscing about what a great time we used to have, and so we decided to bring the golf tournament back to life.


It all started 50 years ago when John Dunn got a few buddies together to play some late fall golf at Hiawatha Golf Course.  They decided to call it the Your Fly's Open.  The following year several other family members latched on.  Over the next few years the number of players grew, and following play, we would head to Dick & Donna Dunn's back yard for burgers and beer, and the awarding of the coveted trophies.....old plates with the winner's names in Magic Marker.  We moved to Shamrock Golf Course as they would do a shot gun start for us.  Then an unfortunate incident involving beer, golf carts, and a sand trap, resulted in our moving to Sundance.  One year we had over 200 golfers, with the final groups literally finishing after dark.  Several fun years at Fox Hollow followed.


Our brother, John, and our parents, Donna & Dick Sr, have moved on to that big country club in the sky, but they'll be with us in spirit.  Join us to greet old friends, meet new friends, and join in the tradition of this very fun "no pressure" event.


A big thanks to Paul Jarman for our great ever-evolving logo.


Please blame Chris Dunn for this website.

Complicit in this endeavor was Max Haynes - Event Photographer -